Check out the advantages for your healthcare provider!

- Improvement in the Quality of Exchange Care: Facilitates the efficient sharing of information between Unimeds providing services and Unimed of origin of health service beneficiaries, contributing to more integrated and coordinated assistance.

- Data Integration: Facilitates the exchange of information between Unimeds, optimizing data integration and avoiding undue charges.
- Process Standardization: Establishes consistent standards for the exchange of information, reducing errors and ensuring greater efficiency in operational processes related to PTU exchange.
- Workflow Automation: Implements process automation, reducing manual workload and increasing operational efficiency.

- Reduced Administrative Costs: By simplifying and streamlining PTU exchange processes, the operator can reduce administrative costs associated with managing authorizations, billing and payment processing.
- Minimizing Disallowances: Data standardization and integration contribute to reducing disallowances, avoiding undue payments and improving the operator's financial health.