Awareness campaigns: see the importance of implementing them

campanhas de conscientizacao a saude

Awareness campaigns: see the importance of implementing them

Awareness and health campaigns have been taking place intensively in recent years. Faced with the new health paradigm, collective movements in favor of awareness and preservation are essential.

You have certainly heard about the colorful campaigns in recent times and about the participation of individuals, companies, schools, churches, etc. — finally, the entire community is involved in the various themes proposed.

So, do you really want to understand how and why these campaigns emerged? Continue reading this post which will address the issue in an interesting way.

Understand the origin of the color and the cause of these awareness campaigns

The colorful awareness and health movement was born with the aim of alerting the population about the danger of some pathologies and encouraging preservation, as well as the search for early diagnosis.

There is no stipulated timetable — neither for the disease to be disclosed nor for the color that represents it. What happens is that medical teams get together and choose the disease and color for a given month.

What makes the campaign great is the publicity. The greater the spread, the greater the possibility of achieving the objective due to the impact it causes collectively. The media is one of the many contributors to propagation through different networks.

Through the media, clinics, hospitals, companies, the pharmaceutical industry, public institutions and non-governmental and private organizations embrace the cause and start lighting up spaces according to the color of the month.

The result of this collective mobilization is very positive, as many people were helped in different situations, with the dissemination of information and knowledge, carrying out exams, encouraging changes in habits, etc. This is essential, as it helps people take care of their health in a preventive way and not just seek a cure for an already completed illness, in other words, it is a significant change in life.

Understand the meaning of each symbology

The months of pink October and Blue november are the best known, since the main focus is on promoting breast cancer and prostate cancer. The colors are forms of representation, that is, each color symbolizes a month. In addition to them, all other months have campaigns.

White January

The campaign began in the state of Minas Gerais in the city of Uberlândia. White draws people's attention to caring for the mind, remembering that not only the body needs care, as a good quality of life and well-being involve body and mind, in other words, a combination.

Purple February

Despite being a shorter month, the objective of alerting the population about some pathologies, such as Alzheimer's, Lupus and Fibromyalgia, is maintained. The name was chosen, in this case, because it characterizes the first two diseases mentioned worldwide, which, despite being distinct, affect thousands of Brazilians every year.

navy blue march

The disclosure of colorectal cancer, another type of cancer, already belongs to this month, so March 27th is World Bowel Cancer Day. This is a very well-known date throughout the country.

Green and blue April

Green April promotes the campaign on health and safety in the workplace, a very broad issue, as it encompasses countless people. Blue April addresses a very present problem today: autism. The choice of the color blue was due to the fact that the syndrome affects boys in greater numbers.

Yellow May

On May 11, the UN decreed a decade of actions for safe traffic. For this reason, currently, the month of May invites drivers and everyone involved in traffic to make it safer and maintain respect for life.

Red and orange June

There are two important themes in the month of June. Red June encourages blood donation, and orange June discusses leukemia and anemia.

Yellow July

The month of July highlights viral hepatitis and bone cancer. The color arose from the similarity with the color of an infected person's eyes.

golden August

August focuses on the importance of breastfeeding. The campaign was created by the federal government, and the gold color was chosen based on the analogy that breastfeeding is an attitude worth its weight in gold.

Green, yellow and red September

The month of September addresses three very important health issues that, therefore, deserve to be topics for awareness and health campaigns.

Green September discusses the importance of organs, as well as the prevention of bowel cancer, one of the most complex. Yellow September promotes the campaign on suicide prevention and, finally, Red September brings information about cardiovascular diseases, which are very common among the Brazilian people.

Pink October and Blue November

The campaigns of these months are known to everyone. However, November still has another campaign, Golden November, which is about combating childhood cancer. The month was chosen because of the National Day to Combat Childhood Cancer, which is celebrated on the 23rd.

Orange and red December

Closing the annual cycle, December proposes an awareness and health campaign about skin cancer, which is extremely important, since Brazil has intense solar quality. The orange color resembles the tanned tone of the skin caused by the sun.

Finally, Red December brings a debate about the fight against AIDS. The red bow symbolizes solidarity with those infected.

Find out the importance of these campaigns for operators

Understanding is not difficult. Every company works like a gear, in which each piece is fundamental. When it comes to health plan operators, they depend on your suppliers and customers, who are its main stakeholders. If, by chance, one person falls ill, the entire system suffers and faces problems.

The campaigns contribute to raising awareness, valuing and preventing diseases that often lead to death. For operators, it is time to contribute by bringing information and strategies to change habits that can benefit them, since taking care of the prevention of their users is, without a doubt, much cheaper than guaranteeing the treatment of an existing pathology. , that is, the cost benefit is important.

In addition to the financial benefits from prevention, operators that join the campaigns offer additional care to their users — welcoming —, leaving them safer and with a feeling of appreciation for the services they receive. This, without a doubt, guarantees satisfaction and loyalty.

Operators, when promoting campaigns, provide their users with access to:

  • information and clarifications about some diseases;
  • guidance on health care;
  • information about the importance of self-knowledge and immediate perception of symptoms;
  • incentives to carry out laboratory tests;
  • guidelines regarding the search for doctors on a regular and preventive basis.

When the operators They manage to make their customers adopt behaviors that take greater care of their health, restoring their self-esteem, the benefits are perceived and are important for both sides, that is, customer and operator.

So, as you can conclude, it is important to highlight that awareness and health campaigns represent an advance in the way we care for people. Therefore, health plan operators that join the movements only increase the credibility of services and customer loyalty.

A tip: when implementing your operator's campaigns, it is worth consulting the Management Reports to significantly enrich your communication. If your operator already has a medical billing system, it becomes even easier. If you don't have it yet, take advantage of this moment and meet SAUDI.

Did you like knowing that, throughout the year, you can engage users in health campaigns? Want more information about this and other topics? Follow us on our social networks. We are in Instagram, at the Facebook and in LinkedIn.

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