Check out the advantages for your healthcare provider!
- Increases the capacity for technical analysis of requests, through access to support information in real time, optimizing the speed of analysis, registration and processing of authorizations;
- Reduces the risk of improper authorizations, through the possibility of configuring and using automatic audit rules and standardized responses;
- Allows continuous improvement of the authorization process, through access to the request and analysis trail;
- Increases the security of decisions, through real-time access to the histories of patients, providers and medical auditors, nurses and analysts;
- Reduces the impact of providers presenting undue or inappropriate charges after improper, unapproved or poorly approved service;
- Reduces the number of accounts glossed in billing;
- Contributes to reducing care costs/accidents
- Contributes to increased results
- Reduces the risk of delays in responding to requests, avoiding complaints from beneficiaries, through better workflow control, through the possibility of determining a response deadline for granting authorization or denial based on the TISS standard
- Reduces response time to requests, through online digital communication, supported by accurate information supporting real-time decisions
- Reduces operational costs of the Authorization Request process, completely or largely replacing call centers, paper, and emails.
- Improvement in quality of life (reduction of overtime, crises, conflicts, insecurity, gain in confidence and self-esteem).
- Possibility of personal projection (recognition, promotion, bonus, increased pay).