Managing a business is not an easy task and requires a lot of dedication and effort on the part of managers. A healthcare provider manager deals with several challenges on a daily basis, such as the high volume of daily information, maintaining a good relationship with your audience and partners and also having control of medical bills.
This segment has several difficulties that are not found in other types of projects. Therefore, managing a health plan operator requires a lot of attention to detail and planning that is very well aligned with your objectives.
Even though there is all the necessary preparation to develop activities in the market, the management of this type of business needs to know how to perform its function and ensure that the objectives are in line with growth expectations.
The success of any venture is directly linked to its successes. Good management must pay attention to all details as a means of achieving excellent results.
The 3 most common mistakes made by healthcare provider managers and how to avoid them
Therefore, we have separated 3 main points that you should keep an eye on if you intend to achieve true and permanent success in the results of your healthcare provider. Check out!
1 – Do not use performance indicators
Even if you have a well-defined strategy, you need to have efficient means to monitor the results achieved and align efforts according to mistakes and successes.
This process is essential for good management of healthcare providers, making it possible to closely monitor their results and make efficient decisions. Performance indicators — also known as KPIs — are measurable values used to prove the efficiency of your strategies.
Without being able to precisely measure and analyze how the company is performing, the manager is unable to carry out management focused on the quality of the services offered and the growth of the business.
2 – Not paying attention to accident rates
Another very common mistake made by managers of health plan operators is the lack of attention to accident rates.
This metric is responsible for the percentage of costs that the operator had with a given population — directly impacting the value adjustment.
Therefore, it is essential to monitor this rate to better understand when it may be necessary to plan a specific strategy to regulate this percentage. The ideal is to work with a percentage between 70% and 75%, but this rate may change depending on each operator.
A solution widely used in the management of healthcare providers, in addition to developing a long-term preventive care plan to encourage beneficiaries to lead a healthier lifestyle, is the adoption of a medical bill audit system which aims to immediately reduce waste, impertinence, fraud and undue charges.
3 – Not closely monitoring cash flow and its processes
Providing and closing accounts for a healthcare provider are processes that tend to require extreme attention, mainly due to the enormous amount of data and information they involve.
Knowing the operator's financial situation based on numbers and concrete data is essential, especially when it comes to making important decisions.
Technology assistance in the company’s financial health
Technologic solutions make information processing much more efficient and integrated, optimizing various stages of the work of the audit and manager of a healthcare provider!
When it comes to the financial part, it is possible, with the use of software, to manage and integrate all administrative sectors into the cash flow.
SAUDI is software designed to maintain the financial health of healthcare providers. This system automates the process from requests for authorization of procedures until medical bill audit, enabling companies to reduce unnecessary costs.
The daily challenges faced in managing healthcare providers are quite complex, due to the enormous amount of data involved. Therefore, it is essential that the manager is always aware of everything that is happening in the business and avoids making the mistakes mentioned above to maintain the quality of services and the company's growth.
Technology is a great ally when it comes to good results. Meet the SAUDI and see how our system will positively IMPACT your healthcare provider’s results!