Tag: software saudi

Discover the PAINS that SAUDI solves

SAUDI is a system designed to maintain the “financial health” of Supplementary Health Plan Operators. Our system automates the process of auditing service provider accounts

fraudes na saúde suplementar

Fraud in Supplementary Health

Various types of fraud in supplementary healthcare have been growing steadily in Brazil, affecting both healthcare service providers and plan users. In recent months, more

Supplementary health economic-financial panels

The presentation of economic-financial data on supplementary health in Brazil is done through an accounting panel released annually by the ANS (National Supplementary Health Agency). The National Agency for

variável custo médico hospitalar

VCMH: how to plan for 2022

You probably already know the medical inflation calculated by the Institute for Supplementary Health Studies (IESS) called VCMH. This index, which means Hospital Medical Cost Variation, expresses the

faturamento de contas médicas

Billing medical bills – 4 essential points

Billing medical bills is one of the most important steps in maintaining an efficient financial routine. In this way, it's possible to reduce expenses and increase turnover at the end of the day.