The importance of Pink October for healthcare operators
Pink October is a global campaign that aims to raise awareness among women about the importance of prevention and early diagnosis of breast cancer. For plan operators
Pink October is a global campaign that aims to raise awareness among women about the importance of prevention and early diagnosis of breast cancer. For plan operators
The 4th edition of Health Tech was held by Assespro – RJ (Federation of Associations of Brazilian Information Technology Companies) on October 26th, in the Auditorium of
The 4th edition of Health Tech was held by Assespro – RJ (Federation of Associations of Brazilian Information Technology Companies) on October 26th, in the Auditorium of
Interview Bruno Pereira – Care Costs Supervisor – Unimed Nova Iguaçu. Check out the experience of Bruno Pereira, care costs supervisor at Unimed Nova Iguaçu, who uses the system
If you want to significantly reduce medical disallowances from your health plan operator, carefully read this article with infallible tips and success stories with up to 95% of
Do you want to know what the SIGTAP system is, what its function is, how to download it and its relationship with the SUS table? Check out another complete article made by SAUDI:
The TUSS code or table is part of the health concept representation component of the TISS standard and establishes a single term for supplementary health procedures and care.
Managing any field is never a simple task. Great care is needed with every detail, which is no different for health plan operators, which
INTERVIEW WITH DR. MARCELO KAUSS Doctor with over 20 years of experience in medical auditing, table analysis, negotiation with providers and team management, focused on
In recent years, the number of beneficiaries from healthcare providers has been gradually decreasing, making management face challenges involving costs and assistance. As the world faces a new