Tag: auditoria de contas médicas

Awareness campaigns: how to promote with your operator

We have already talked about the importance of awareness or prevention campaigns a few times here on the SAUDI Blog. In fact, we recently published a post presenting all the possibilities of colorful campaigns month by month

ANS 2022 Retrospective: check out the main highlights

In this article we present the ANS 2022 retrospective with the main highlights recently published on the Gov.br website. According to ANS, supplementary healthcare in Brazil reached important milestones in 2022,

ANS suspends the sale of 70 health plans

Em setembro de 2022, a ANS suspendeu de forma temporária a comercialização de 70 planos de saúde, que só poderão voltar a ser oferecido a novos clientes caso as operadoras

4 steps to boost medical bill auditing

Carrying out an audit of medical bills at your health plan operator is essential to optimize costs, be able to visualize what works and what doesn't, analyze and