4 steps to boost medical bill auditing
Carrying out an audit of medical bills at your health plan operator is essential to optimize costs, be able to visualize what works and what doesn't, analyze and
Carrying out an audit of medical bills at your health plan operator is essential to optimize costs, be able to visualize what works and what doesn't, analyze and
Having supplementary health indicators to monitor and evaluate the quality of services provided by operators is one of the advantages of auditing medical bills. It is a
There are three types of audits, prospective, retrospective and concurrent. In this article we present everything you need to know about concurrent auditing: how it works, the benefits and how to
There are three types of audits, prospective, retrospective and concurrent. In this article we present everything you need to know about concurrent auditing: how it works, the benefits and how to
The medical bill auditor must have practical knowledge and focus not only on costs and revenues, but also on the quality of care provided. The importance of auditing accounts