The digital era is a moment that marks people's lives in a very significant way. Currently, access to information has contributed greatly to health promotion, as people have started to take better care of themselves, exercise and, above all, take preventive actions.
Health operators, looking for follow the new health proposal, want to offer quality services to their users through strategies that change habits of waiting for illness to prevent and promote health.
So, do you want to understand, in fact, what is the role of operators in this new healthcare model? Continue reading this post and gain valuable information!
But, after all, what is health promotion?
Health promotion means awakening, in people, the desire to change the way they live, that is, to live with more quality. This goes beyond simply getting rid of pathologies, involving physical and emotional health. In fact, these are actions to prevent diseases or effectively control chronic diseases, leading to a reduction in healthcare costs, by reducing hospital admissions, etc.
In this context, health involves care and efforts that promote changes in behavior and healthier environments, factors that were not relevant.
However, the paradigm shift reformulated the concept of health and proposed a more humanized care system, considering, mainly, each person's subjectivity and ability to absorb and deal with their problems.
What is the role of operators in health promotion?
The ideal health management model is based on health promotion and not just offering support in the treatment of diseases.
The role of operators consists especially in transformation of behaviors individual, promoting a change in their way of acting, thinking, recovering self-esteem to face challenges and seek to live with more quality, not waiting for illness to arrive to take care of themselves.
To achieve this objective, technological advances are essential for healthcare providers, since, in addition to modernizing the operationalization of services, they can offer support to users with practical and easily accessible services, as well as information about the advantages of taking care of themselves. before becoming ill, the importance of changing habits, etc.
We live in a moment of transition in health, abandoning the retrograde concept of health as the absence of disease and focusing, in particular, on the curative nature, taking on a broader vision in which the objectives become recovery and functional capacity.
It is understood that the challenges for promoting health among the population are numerous and have different causes. Given this reality, it is essential that operators see the beneficiary not only as a payer. In fact, it is their role to provide adequate reception and encourage them to adopt preventive care.
What are the benefits for the operator?
Operators, by promoting changes in the behavior of their users and creating preventive strategies, can obtain important advantages to boost their results. Check out some of them below!
Greater quality of life for the beneficiary
Welcoming and preventive care give users more joy and the desire to fight for life, their most important asset.
Reduction in healthcare spending
Health promotion, in addition to offering a higher quality of life, reduces expenses and guarantees user loyalty. In addition to improving accident rates and, in the future, an increase in sales.
Identification of risk before it occurs
Through technological resources, such as Analytics and Big Data, possible health risks are previously detected, enabling appropriate treatments at the right time. For this purpose, systems such as SAUDI is an excellent source of detailed data for risk prevention analysis.
Throughout the text, the importance of health promotion was shown, which has been transforming the way people care. However, proficient healthcare providers seek to adapt to the new reality and get out front.
So, did you enjoy discovering the importance of health promotion? Did the information contribute to your decision making? Are you willing to obtain more information on this topic? How about reading another text of ours about innovation and health and the trends for healthcare providers? Don't miss it!