Healthtechs – What are the impacts on health plan operators?

Healthtechs – What are the impacts on health plan operators?

“Healthtechs” – who hasn’t heard this term a lot more recently? Especially after the pandemic period, in which the healthcare market underwent significant transformations!

One of these transformations was the growth of healthtechs in Brazil, with an increase in 140% in the number of health technology companies in the last five years, according to a survey by Distrito Healthtech Report.

Last year, in 2021, we were gold sponsor at Health Tech 2021, held by ASSESPRO-RJ and we talk about this super event here.

In this post, we will talk a little more about healthtechs, how they work, what are the expectations for the future and, also, what are the impacts of these companies in the area of supplementary health? Check out!

What are Healthtechs?

Before delving into the subject, if you don't already know, you need to understand what healthtechs are.

Healthtechs are technology-based companies that explore opportunities in the healthcare segment. Created to operate in modernization and/or innovation of products and services for clinics and hospitals and designing advanced technologies for exams, surgeries, self-service and increasingly intelligent medical offices.

In this business model, technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, data analytics, among others, are used with the aim of improving the healthcare system.

With Healthtecs, the adoption of new technologies in the provision of services has become more accessible for companies in the healthcare market and this also causes changes in the service received by the population, as we will talk about below.

The presence of heathtechs changes the service people receive

With the arrival of healthtechs on the market and with an increasingly larger audience watching the latest developments, the innovations introduced by these startups have changed the format of projects and services in the health segment.

The public, therefore, has noticed an increasingly integrated, democratic, transparent and efficient service from providers.

This tends to increase the quality of the service offered and also the satisfaction of transactions carried out using the technologies involved.

There is also a closer relationship between citizens and health companies in exchanges that make consumers increasingly demanding about what they purchase.

On the other hand, this generates greater competition for the market, causing each provider to seek to be the best contracting option for its customers.

To give you a good idea, let's mention two major impacts of healthtechs on the current market.

Impacts of healthtechs on healthcare

Prevent and diagnose with greater assertiveness

One of the impacts of healthtechs on the healthcare sector is the prevention and diagnosis of diseases more quickly and assertively.

This is due to, for example, medical consultations and assessments carried out online, using artificial intelligence to identify diseases or less invasive exams to detect anomalies.

Genetic studies and educational solutions can also assist in detecting and predicting the development of diseases in individuals.

Manage more efficiently

Another major impact of healthtechs is the use of technologies for managing organizations, which could provide an improvement in services to the public.

With less time in authorization of exams, results, regulation and bed management, patients will have the help of automation products so that releases happen more quickly.

On the other hand, the presence of technology in data on the spread of diseases or that favors internal studies and analyses, can also increase the efficiency of healthcare providers and generate more assertive and better-informed decision-making.


Supplementary health market is driven towards new paths

Speaking of the area of supplementary healthcare, specifically, the presence of technology can be implemented at different stages of providing the service or product in question.

Health plans gain prominence when they present new options to their beneficiaries and begin to combine different benefits for the benefit of their contractors and also their organization.

This happens when it is possible to apply technology in the patient care network, such as telemedicine, and with the optimization and integration of processes, maintaining or increasing the quality of care provided, or even through preventive actions according to the history of patients. patients.

For the operator, there is a tendency to reduce operating costs, which favors the company's profit margin.

All this without failing to meet the needs of the population and in a way that is considered more agile and efficient.

During the Health Tech 2021, In the event we mentioned at the beginning of this article, the president of Assespro-RJ commented on the rise of healtechs and their impacts on the area of supplementary health:

“The world of healthcare is increasingly connected and systems integrated with applications will be the path to a more inclusive society with a better quality of life. The new health technology companies, called healthtechs, will promote a revolution by establishing the missing link between academic research and companies in Brazil”, says Maria Luiza Reis, president of Assespro- RJ.

One piece of evidence from this statement is that, according to a report produced by Global Market Insights, the healthtech market is expected to reach US$ 504 billion by 2025.

I.e, The use of technologies in the health segment, including supplementary health, is a trend that is increasingly on the rise in Brazil and around the world.

Keep your operator up to date with technological trends in supplementary healthcare

It is essential that your operator stays up to date with the innovations that emerge all the time to remain increasingly competitive.

The first step to this is to find out about the SAUDI system, used as a medical audit solution by the largest healthcare providers throughout Brazil.

In practice, through SAUDI it is possible to automate the entire process of medical audit of service providers, enabling transparency for both sides (operators X service providers) and a significant reduction in disallowances and assistance costs.

Acting throughout the entire process, from requesting authorization for medical procedures from the provider network, through OPME quotation and monitoring It is Concurrent Audit, until the respective release for payment, SAUDI's objective is for companies in the area to become more financially healthy and achieve better results through transparency and adequate management of their assistance costs.

The result is surprising in the first 3 months of use and is worth checking out. Contact right now and find out!

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