Find out what the 6 challenges of supplementary healthcare will be in 2020

Find out what the 6 challenges of supplementary healthcare will be in 2020

The great advances achieved in recent times through technology are perceived by the vast majority of the world's population. The health sector, for example, has stood out for the transformation it has achieved in various sectors, both public and private. However, the challenges of supplementary healthcare are huge and deserve attention.

Supplementary health, aware of the challenges faced, has been seeking, over the years, strategies that bring understanding to the sectors involved, that is, health professionals, beneficiaries and operators. In view of this objective, the National Supplementary Health Federation (FenaSaúde) presents some measures to harmonize the market and avoid major problems in 2020.

So, I would like to understand, in fact, what are the major challenges of supplementary healthcare for the very near future? Continue reading this post and stay updated.

Understand supplementary health today

The greatest asset of human beings is health, and it is dynamic and requires specific care. The epidemiological profile is undergoing constant changes, the population is aging and life expectancy is increasing, and new pathologies and treatments are discovered every year.

Technological advancement is instantaneous and includes, in addition to the health areas themselves, the entire social and communication structure, such as social media resources on the internet. All of this poses a major challenge for supplementary healthcare, which, in addition to meeting diverse demands, needs to offer increasingly specialized and individualized services.

Supplementary healthcare is a market that depends on a good relationship with its creditors, since its base is made up of subscriptions, therefore, there is a very rotating audience with different demands and degrees of complexity.

This is a giant market with predictable revenue, however, it is a segment that needs volume to generate profit, that is, a good manager in this area makes all the difference, as they can maintain the quality of services, as well as attract new partners.

Find out what the challenges of supplementary healthcare are 

The moment of instability and the worsening caused in recent years are still ongoing in supplementary healthcare. The financial crisis in Brazil and the lack of jobs have been some of the challenges, but they are not the only ones.

1. Regulation of providers and suppliers

According to FenaSaúde, one of the sector's biggest concerns is the escalation of medical costs. Several factors contribute, including waste, which is not always related to fraud, but to inappropriate behavior and practices.

2. Inclusion of new technologies

The benefits of technology are immeasurable, but, at the same time, a certain caution is required regarding what it actually offers and how the user appropriates the opportunities for their own benefit.

3. Replacement of remuneration models

Inadequate practices generate other important consequences in private healthcare: the contract between operators and service providers and the adoption of new remuneration models.

Law No. 13,003 brought significant progress to the sector by making it mandatory to define service values and deadlines for signing contracts between operators and providers.

4. Facing high healthcare costs

High healthcare costs are challenges that make sector experts very apprehensive. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), currently, Brazil is fourth among countries in the world ranking of expenses paid by private plans or insurance. 

5. Combating fraud and classifying crimes

Currently, the system is lenient with this practice, which poses a high risk to beneficiaries, who suffer from the insecurity created by fraudulent activities. The frauds are responsible for part of the costs of supplementary healthcare in the country.

6. Coping with costs for purchasing OPME materials

According to research by the Institute of Supplementary Health Studies (IESS) it has shown that, in the next ten years, operators' expenses will probably increase significantly.

Highly complex procedures require OPME materials, which undoubtedly compromises the budget. Lack of control and audit The process of purchasing these materials becomes one of the main obstacles in the management of health plans. Given this situation, it is worth highlighting the importance of a manager.

In addition to the growth in expenses that were mentioned, FenaSaúde highlights other challenges that are identified through transitions: demographic, epidemiological, age and technological. But, despite the difficulties faced, it is also possible to say that supplementary healthcare in Brazil, in recent times, has achieved significant advances for the sector.

It is important to remember that challenges are part of the growth of any sector. The fundamental thing is to understand that, to overcome them, it is always good to have partners specialized in the subject, to have a proficient manager and a team that believes in the work and always tries to offer the best. In today's world, these attitudes make all the difference.

See how to react to challenges

Seeking to put into practice the new health model, that is, the more humanized model, supplementary health is overcoming the old paradigm of treatment that seeks only a cure for the disease, which is often already in advanced stages.

The proposal is to offer its user preventive care with greater rationality of use. The perspective is that the beneficiary will be cared for and monitored by multidisciplinary teams, guided by a family doctor. If necessary, the patient will be referred to specialized care.

This new model, in addition to working with prevention, promotes greater interaction with the user. This, without a doubt, leaves you more satisfied with the good welcome and care received. Consequently, there is greater loyalty with your operator. Therefore, it is a strategy that brings benefits to both sides.

A National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS) believes that focusing on primary care can solve 80% to 85% of health problems, that is, it is the possibility that needs to be adopted and improved so that the entire system can function efficiently.

In conclusion, it is important to highlight that, throughout the text, the challenges of supplementary health were presented, as well as the possibility of facing them with serious work and with competent partners with a growing market vision, taking advantage of the technological resources available, a competent manager and a qualified team. Furthermore, we also highlight that challenges can be seen as a possibility to grow and reinvent yourself.

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