HIGH call center costs? Discover the alternative that the largest healthcare providers in the country have adopted

HIGH call center costs? Discover the alternative that the largest healthcare providers in the country have adopted

Brazil has been going through one of the biggest economic crises in its history, driven by the health crisis caused by the new Coronavirus pandemic. And health operators play a central role in controlling the pandemic, offering medical support to thousands of people infected by the disease. This, also, without leaving aside all patients who require medical care for other types of illnesses.

Covid-19 pandemic This only increased the pressure on health plan operator systems to operate increasingly faster and more comprehensively. The increase in this pressure increasingly highlights the need to improve all processes and management of healthcare providers.

Improving processes while maintaining value for the end user is a challenge. To do this, it is necessary reduce operating costs of your company. Understand better how SAUDI software can help in this work.

User support

Efficient management of healthcare providers must guarantee the best possible service to users. To this end, many companies still invest a lot of resources in call centers in an effort to meet all the demands of their beneficiaries.

However, increasing investment in personalized service in call centers is not always the best option. Nowadays, most beneficiaries of healthcare providers have smartphones and prefer to receive care via the app.

However, to develop a functional application, it is important that the operator's systems are automated. SAUDI strives to achieve this objective. Working with a software which seeks to digitize all stages of customer service, it is simpler to offer quick and automatic service.

How auditing can help with medical bill management

Medical bill management for healthcare providers includes different types of processes. A series of details go into the account, to understand all the service providers that the operators deal with, to offer the final service to the beneficiary. And the audit is an important part of this management.

It is essential that a company is fully aware of all its operating costs to achieve healthy growth. Especially when dealing with healthcare: beneficiaries of healthcare providers depend on their services and have every right to charge for efficiency and quality of care.

Therefore, not wasting resources is vital for these operators. And that's where the audit enters as an essential question. But it can also be more intelligent and automated — that's what the SAUDI system is committed to doing.

An integrated management software

The proposal of the SAUDI system is to carry out Technical and Administrative, Automatic and Manual Audits on Admission Summary Guides, Third Party Service Guides and SADT, Medical Fee Guides and Medical Consultation Guides. All in the ANS/TISS standard, received through the XML standard or typed directly on the Internet.

In other words, using our system, the company is able to automate and simplify the Medical Bill Audit process, established between Supplementary Health Operators and Medical Service Providers. He works in all steps of the customer service process: from requests for authorization for medical procedures from the provider network to release for payment.

Contact us and take advantage of our zero implementation cost. Also follow us on our social networks to always stay up to date with our news!

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