Data science and business intelligence in healthcare

Data science and business intelligence in healthcare

Data science and business intelligence in healthcare is a relevant and current topic on the integration between healthcare and technology and was addressed at Health Tech 2021, an event held by Assespro-RJ in October of this year and sponsored by SAUDI, the medical audit system most awarded in Brazil.

To delve deeper into this topic, presented and discussed by personalities from the health and technology sectors at one of the most important health events held in the State of Rio de Janeiro, continue reading until the end:


The use of artificial intelligence in healthcare

A common big challenge is using data to engage and target people. Artificial intelligence in healthcare is very relevant, including for telemedicine and integration with consultations with electronic medical records, especially during this period in which the world is experiencing Covid-19.

An application of data in artificial intelligence, for example, allows you to monitor what a patient or doctor is commenting directly. We begin to have a form of semantic analysis of the patient's symptoms and this can even empower the doctor in his decision-making process.

According to Rogério Boros, director of health care at Microsoft and one of the event's speakers, there are three important pillars when talking about data: Trust, data security and compliance and global scalability.


Trust X data security

It is very important to have trust in your healthcare provider and be sure that this data will not be leaked. The cost of health data leaks is quite significant. There is some research that says they can be even more expensive for a company than a financial data leak. It is very important to know that this trust is a pillar of the organization that is bringing the service, whether from those who are bringing a service to hospitals, laboratories and health plans, as well as patients or doctors and that that institution also takes its trust to the Marketplace.

Another factor that is closely related to this part of trust, of how the data will be used, is security and compliance. For example, in the case here, with the LGPD – general data protection law. I may or may not give consent for my data to be used and in particular for exams that I carry out, for example, in an institution or hospital network to be accessed by another doctor that I want to contact.


Compliance vs global scalability 

Lastly, we have global scalability, not to mention that it is necessary and important in the data part, but as a benefit of using the cloud, as we want to innovate in the healthcare area, we start to have some workloads that are complex. Let's take Genomics, for example, we are talking about eventually processing files of more than 100 GB. If you start to have scalability to serve thousands of people, it becomes impractical to have a solution like this without having global scalability for service.


What can we see as a scenario in the process of digitalization, of digital transformation of health?

From Microsoft's perspective, they seek to be based on four main pillars. One of them is to give patients access to self-service, more power to manage their health, so that they can then have tools that through whatever group they are being served, they can have greater control of how they manage their health and This doesn't necessarily have to be in the hands of the person being served. Another pillar is to create more personalized service management programs based on data analysis and this is where a critical point begins. If you are going to start doing this, having data insights, you will start to have a need not only to manage all of this, but to apply data science on this side and care teams will be able to connect with patients and increase personal productivity, which is very important.

In Brazil, in terms of regulation, a big step that was taken and we have to recognize was the publication of the ordinance on July 30, 2021, of the National Health Information and Informatics Policy (PNIIS) as the infrastructure that will consolidate data from all patients, whether they are treated in the public or private network. For example, the vaccination certificate is already working. Just download the SUS app and the person will have the certificate. For now, only the PCR and vaccination data are integrated, but in the long term, all the data, whether you are treated in a public or private hospital or in a basic health unit, via health plan or not, they will be available within and have to be integrated with that platform.


Challenges to be faced

This systems integration, which is a big step for Brazil, obviously brings many challenges for providers. But it will also depend on regulation of innovation for the sector, because if we manage to ensure that this information now stored there can be used for research, you can imagine the potential for developing medicines, procedures, in relation to population health data in relation to data financial resources of the population? It will make it easier to rent medicines to the population, treatments in different regions, and no matter how much national policies are made, we have a very diverse country and all of this can bring better access to healthcare.


Discover SAUDI – the most awarded medical audit system in Brazil

It is not easy to receive this barrage of information and not act to modernize your health plan provider. In this sense, know that you can count on SAUDI, a Medical Audit System tailor-made to put your operator at the forefront of innovation.

With SAUDI it is possible to optimize processes, increase transparency, store, process and organize data according to your interests, make integrations with other management solutions, make your health plan operator comply with a series of legal requirements and even prepare it to really scale. Visit Our site It is schedule a conversation with one of our consultants.


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