Category: Arquivo

The Future of Health Plans in Brazil

In this article on the future of health insurance in Brazil, we'll show you how operators are adapting to increased demand and an ageing population. The sector

Promotional actions for health operators

Promotional actions for health operators are fundamental to winning new customers and retaining the loyalty of existing ones. For 2025, creative and well-planned promotional strategies will make all the difference. In this

ANS changes cancellation rules

ANS changes cancellation rules from December 2024. The new rules implemented by the National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS) aim to make the process more transparent and accessible.

O Impacto da Automação na Auditoria Médica

Nos últimos anos, a automação emergiu como uma ferramenta poderosa para aprimorar a auditoria médica, trazendo benefícios significativos, especialmente em termos de redução de custos.  Uma área crítica para essa