Awareness campaigns: how to promote with your operator

Awareness campaigns: how to promote with your operator

We have already talked about the importance of awareness or prevention campaigns a few times here on the SAUDI Blog. In fact, we recently published a post presenting all the possibilities of colorful campaigns month by month and we also talk about the importance of prevention in different aspects, from brand branding to finance.

An awareness campaign really has the potential to reach people, help prevent diseases, increase customer loyalty and improve the image of your health plan operator, in addition to being the biggest bet of the moment for the supplementary health sector achieve balance and better financial results in the medium and long term.

To achieve these and other benefits, it is essential to know some market techniques on how to promote an awareness campaign.

And to facilitate the field of directors and managers of health plan operators specifically, the team at the SAUDI Blog researched and gathered here in this post 10 powerful tips that will help you promote and enhance campaigns that encourage disease prevention and improve the quality and life expectancy of your clients.

Continue reading to understand and start putting it into practice:

1 – Follow important dates, “colorful months” and national campaigns

An individual campaign, completely designed and executed by the healthcare provider, can give good results and reach a lot of people, but the potential is much greater when it follows these large campaigns that are already present in the healthcare sector.

When carrying out an awareness campaign linked to White January, for example, you will be participating in something that is already part of people's daily lives.

They have seen this issue in the media, on the internet and even in campaigns around the city. So, when they encounter the white banners and informational materials from their healthcare provider, they recognize the subject and become more susceptible to raising awareness.

In this way, we suggest that you “piggyback” on the credibility of national campaigns.

In addition to the colorful campaigns, have some relevant commemorative dates in the health sector that can also be taken advantage of. Are they:

  • February 4th: World Cancer Day
  • April 26: National Day to Prevent and Combat Hypertension
  • July 28: World Day to Fight Viral Hepatitis
  • October 11: World Day to Combat Obesity
  • December 1: World AIDS Day


These are just a few examples, but it is important that when looking for other special dates, be careful to analyze whether they correlate with the theme of prevention and health. Investing in dates like Women's Day to run campaigns linked to women's health as a whole, for example, makes perfect sense! ; )

In addition to these dates, we have the “colorful months” as already mentioned above, which are highlighted in national campaigns and even in the media, so it is a great idea to follow them.

Read too:

Awareness campaigns: colors that promote health all year round


2 – Address topics that are relevant

Always try to give preference to awareness campaigns that are connected to what your healthcare provider can provide. This will make your clients feel safe, cared for and really motivated to carry out preventive exams, avoiding higher costs with treatments in the medium and long term.


3 – Close strategic partnerships with your service providers

During Red September, for example, promote an action with cardiologists, clinics and heart hospitals to carry out a consistent action together.


4 – Provide informative materials about the importance of prevention

Information is the main key to awareness. Therefore, try to create materials that can be delivered to your customers: pamphlets and/or magazines that talk about the importance of the campaign.

An interesting distribution strategy is within your own accredited network, but the campaign must be related to the specialty of the doctor or clinic, where the content will be made available.


5 – Encourage professionals in your accredited network to talk about the campaign during the consultation

In addition to making the materials available, also encourage doctors in your accredited network to raise awareness during the consultation, talking about the campaign, the risks of the disease and prevention methods.


6 – Decorate the operator and its digital channels with the campaign colors

When you are running a campaign that has everything to do with your healthcare provider, it is interesting to also invest in a visual identity.

To do this, you can customize the website, social networks, as well as physical service points with the colors and visual identity adopted in the campaign, showing your customers that your operator is truly dedicated to awareness and prevention.


7 – Take advantage of the communication power of social networks 

Social networks are an excellent space to strengthen your campaign and reach many more people — including those who are not yet your customers! ; )

With interesting posts, focused on prevention, you will show that your health plan operator is dedicated to taking care of people and that your team understands the subject and is ready to provide excellent quality care.

In addition to increasing awareness, you also improve your potential to build loyalty and even attract new patients.


8 – Fight fake news in health

Despite being an excellent way to raise awareness, the internet can also be an environment for spreading lies, fake news and even risky treatments for diseases and other health problems.

Therefore, always remember to focus your informative materials and posts on social media on real information, combating fake news in health, which is increasingly present.


9 – Participate and promote events about awareness campaigns

Being present and/or promoting at relevant events on the subject, whether online or in-person, that involve the campaign is a great way to help raise more people's awareness and generate more visibility for your brand.


10 – Use technology to benefit your campaigns

Using a medical bill audit system In your healthcare provider you will have a strategic vision of your business. Use the data acquired in the system and study your cost flow to understand where to start your prevention campaigns. There are campaigns for every month of the year, each one aimed at a specific situation.

Our golden tip is: start the prevention campaign for the disease that generates the most expenses for your healthcare provider! And if you don't already have a medical audit system in place, contact us! ; )

To learn about the origins of colors and their respective causes, check out another post about the importance of implementing prevention campaigns.

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