See 4 actions for the Blue November campaign

See 4 actions for the Blue November campaign

The Blue November campaign emerged in 2011, in Brazil, from an action carried out by the Lado a Lado pela Vida Institute, which was inspired by an Australian movement: “Movember”.

The Australian action began in 2003 and its main objective is to raise awareness among men about the importance of carrying out preventive exams, to increase the probability of avoiding or curing possible diseases, through early diagnosis.

Initially, prostate cancer was the main focus of the campaign. However, currently, Blue November has given a general focus to men's health, becoming a very important and publicized campaign. Many companies have even used the month of November to carry out actions to encourage the campaign. With healthcare providers, it’s no different! If you are a manager from any operator, check out the 4 actions that can be put into practice in Blue November! Good reading!

1. Holding sporting events

The first one is to think about sporting events. Practicing physical activities together tends to attract a large number of people, including men. You can think of actions aimed only at the company's employees, like a football match.

However, it is also possible to hold events aimed at customers and the community in general. In this case, the ideal is to think about outdoor activities, preferably in parks that are easily accessible. Some ideas for sporting events are: group walks or runs and free classes, such as yoga, pilates or functional training.

2. Offering lectures on the topic

A relevant and informative action is to offer a lecture on men's health, emphasizing the importance of carrying out preventive exams and being aware of the signs that the body shows.

An interesting option to reach a greater number of customers is to hold, or also make the lecture available online. This allows more people to be reached and can often reduce the cost to the company.

3. Creation of informative material

Another interesting way to get information to policyholders is by creating informative material. The idea is to create a small pamphlet filled with direct and fundamental information about prostate cancer and other health problems that men face.

You can email this flyer or create a printed design. In the case of the second option, the flyer can be sent by mail to policyholders, and also made available at the receptions of health clinics and hospitals.

4. Special decoration for Blue November

In addition to putting the aforementioned actions into practice, how about making the company look like Blue November? Decorate themedly and think of ways to constantly remind employees about the campaign.

It is also possible to think of a specific day for all employees to come dressed in blue. On this occasion, prepare breakfast for the team and highlight the importance of employees passing on information about Blue November to friends and family.

In addition to the company, this action can extend to online communication channels. In that case, the operator You should change the logos, emphasizing the color blue and some symbol of the campaign.

With the increase in life expectancy, taking care of your health is essential to have a healthy longevity. In this scenario, the role of a health plan operator is to promote information about famous campaigns, such as Blue November. Thus, it is possible that more and more people can prevent themselves.

So, did you like the post? Now that you have some ideas that can be put into practice to to disclose and raise awareness among men about the Blue November campaign, how about reaching more people? Share the content on your social networks and spread the information among your friends!

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