Business Intelligence in reducing healthcare costs

Business Intelligence in reducing healthcare costs

In this article we will talk about the importance of Business Intelligence in reducing healthcare costs. Business Intelligence (BI) is a set of techniques and technologies that uses data analysis to extract relevant information and assist in making strategic decisions in organizations.

In the area of supplementary healthcare, the use of BI can be extremely beneficial by identifying opportunities to reduce healthcare costs, improve operational efficiency and increase the quality of care for beneficiaries.

One of the main challenges faced by healthcare providers is the efficient management of healthcare costs, which include expenses for medical procedures, hospitalizations, medications, among other resources used by beneficiaries.

Reduce healthcare costs with BI

Using BI can help identify patterns and trends that may impact costs, providing data and insights for taking corrective actions. One of the ways to use BI to reduce healthcare costs is through the analysis of health service utilization indicators.

By collecting and analyzing data such as frequency of consultations, exams and hospitalizations, it is possible to identify variations and monitor evolution over time. This allows operators to identify opportunities for early intervention, such as carrying out prevention and health promotion programs, which can reduce the need for more complex procedures and, consequently, healthcare costs.

Additionally, BI can help identify unnecessary or inefficient usage patterns. Data analysis can reveal, for example, the frequency of repeat exams or the use of high-cost medications without clinical need. With this information in hand, operators can develop actions aimed at raising awareness among beneficiaries and healthcare professionals, promoting the rational use of resources and avoiding waste.

Data analysis can also support service provider network management. Based on quality, cost and performance indicators, operators can identify the most efficient providers and establish strategic partnerships. This allows beneficiaries to be directed to providers of higher quality and lower cost, optimizing the use of assistance resources and reducing costs.

Another relevant aspect is the monitoring of internal processes. BI can help identify inefficiencies or operational bottlenecks that directly impact care costs. For example, the analysis of average authorization times for procedures can reveal bottlenecks in the workflow that require corrections to speed up service to beneficiaries and reduce administrative costs.


How to implement business intelligence

To effectively implement BI in healthcare cost management, it is necessary to have an adequate technological infrastructure for collecting, organizing and analyzing data. To this end, the largest Brazilian health plan operators use the SAUDI system. Furthermore, SAUDI has a team of professionals specialized in the area, capable of assisting you throughout the implementation, training and support process.

As SAUDI implemented and all its important data being collected and stored automatically, then the healthcare provider must seek experts to interpret the data and transform it into concrete actions.

In summary, the use of SAUDI combined with Business Intelligence, it becomes a powerful tool for reducing assistance costs in supplementary healthcare. Based on a well-structured and automatically fed database, data analysis allows the identification of opportunities for intervention, awareness and process improvement, resulting in more efficient management of resources and a better quality of service to beneficiaries. Therefore, healthcare operators that invest in BI will be better prepared to face market challenges and ensure business sustainability.

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