Check out the main technologies for health plan operators
The digital age has put today's market in a real competitive scenario. The health sector, for example, has stood out due to the various technologies for health insurance providers.

Understand the importance of having a medical bill program that is as transparent as possible
Every day, health insurance companies deal with a huge flow of documents that relate to the institution's economy, such as invoices, medical records, contracts between health insurance providers, etc.

Find out what the 6 challenges of supplementary healthcare will be in 2020
The great advances achieved in recent times through technology are perceived by the vast majority of the world's population. The health sector, for example, has stood out for its transformation

See how an IT infrastructure helps you manage your healthcare provider!
The application of technological resources in administrative procedures is already a reality in various sectors of industry. In healthcare management, too, technology is becoming increasingly important.

See 4 actions for the Blue November campaign
The Blue November campaign emerged in 2011, in Brazil, from an action carried out by the Instituto Lado a Lado pela Vida, which was inspired by a

Control of glosses: 3 tips to avoid losing revenue
Controlling disallowances is, without a doubt, a central step in the management of health plan operators. If done improperly, it can result in undue charges to the insurance company.