Patient or client? Increase profitability by improving service
Não há setor que nos tempos atuais não esteja pensando em estratégias para gerar aumento da rentabilidade do negócio, e na área de operadoras de planos de saúde também não

Benefits and risks of your own pharmacy
Initially, it is worth mentioning that the Own Pharmacy modality has been gaining prominence among the most influential healthcare operators in the market. The program aims to bring beneficiaries and companies closer together,

Check out the most expensive illnesses for health plans
Successful management of a health insurance company necessarily involves accurate management of the financial sector. Correctly identifying the costs of providing the solution is essential for

Epidemics and preventive medicine: how to run a specific campaign
The work of preventive medicine, among all its actions, includes campaigns to combat epidemics. This is necessary because, despite all the massive messages contained in the

Epidemics and preventive medicine: how to run a specific campaign
The work of preventive medicine, among all its actions, includes campaigns to combat epidemics. This is necessary because, despite all the massive messages contained in the

The less paper, the better! Advantages of paperless carrier
In a digital world with many technology options for storing data and performing services, being a paperless operator means reducing or eliminating paper in a company.