How is the Hospitalization Authorization process carried out at your operator?
See how to facilitate this process and other procedures, such as Extension, SP/SADT, Exams and consultations! The procedure for authorizing hospitalization in healthcare providers can be bureaucratic

Billing medical bills – 4 essential points
Billing medical bills is one of the most important steps in maintaining an efficient financial routine. In this way, it's possible to reduce expenses and increase turnover at the end of the day.

Management of medical bills WITHOUT difficulty accessing documents!
See how to organize all the information to make your medical bill management easier Managing a large volume of documents is not an easy task. When it comes to medical bills

The technology trends most used by the healthcare sector
Every year we see significant changes in the healthcare sector. As a result, leading software and solutions companies are already redefining themselves with the digital transformation, applied by

The technology trends most used by the healthcare sector
Every year we see significant changes in the healthcare sector. As a result, leading software and solutions companies are already redefining themselves with the digital transformation, applied by

HIGH call center costs? Discover the alternative that the largest healthcare providers in the country have adopted
Brazil has been going through one of the biggest economic crises in its history, driven by the health crisis of the new Coronavirus pandemic. And health operators have a role to play