Supplementary health economic-financial panels
The presentation of economic-financial data on supplementary health in Brazil is done through an accounting panel released annually by the ANS (National Supplementary Health Agency). The National Agency for

ANS Rol – Check out the technologies included in health plan coverage
With the help of the community and technical analyses, four more procedures were approved and included in the ANS List, under Law 2,033/22 established by the Senate on August 29th.

4 steps to boost medical bill auditing
Carrying out an audit of medical bills at your health plan operator is essential to optimize costs, be able to visualize what works and what doesn't, analyze and

ANS carries out Public Consultation 99 on updating the List of Procedures
The National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS) opened Public Consultation 99 on July 21, to receive criticism and suggestions regarding the proposed Normative Resolution that changes the

Is OPME management efficient in your healthcare provider?
The management of OPME, which means orthoses, prosthetics and implantable medical devices, is one of the biggest challenges for healthcare operators on a daily basis. This is mainly because they are materials

ANS – End of the limit of four professional categories comes into force in August
An extraordinary meeting on July 11th sanctioned the end of the limitation on the number of consultations with four professional categories by the ANS (National Health Agency