Authorization of procedures: discover the secret of the largest healthcare providers
The process of authorizing procedures, medicines and hospital materials represents, in most cases, a major challenge for health plan operators. What many managers

How to use Brasíndice and Simpro to manage medical bills
The magazines Brasíndice and Simpro have been, for many years, two important references for the pricing of medicines and hospital materials in Brazil. Therefore, publications are also commonly used

ANS suspends the sale of 70 health plans
In September 2022, the ANS temporarily suspended the marketing of 70 health plans, which can only be offered to new customers if the operators

Health Tech 2022 presents innovation and technology in healthcare
The 4th edition of Health Tech was held by Assespro – RJ (Federation of Associations of Brazilian Information Technology Companies) on October 26th, in the Auditorium of

Health Tech 2022 presents innovation and technology in healthcare
The 4th edition of Health Tech was held by Assespro – RJ (Federation of Associations of Brazilian Information Technology Companies) on October 26th, in the Auditorium of

Pink October – Understand the advantages of prevention campaigns
Prevention campaigns aim to encourage people to undergo disease detection tests, in addition to keeping everyone informed about the risks and symptoms. According to the World Organization