Big Data in Health: why use it in a system for managing healthcare costs?

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Big Data in Health: why use it in a system for managing healthcare costs?

Big Data organizes and processes a huge amount of data and stores it within your system. Do you want to know how it can save lives and optimize your business’ internal processes? Follow another article written by SAUDI!

There's no doubt you've heard of big data. However, many people still don't know what this word is.

Basically, big data is a set of technical tools used to capture, analyze and process large amounts of data.

These tools are increasingly used in different areas, including healthcare.

Big Data, in health, can be applied to the management of health plan operators.

With the help of these tools, health insurance managers can obtain more detailed information about patients to predict possible illnesses and prevent them.

Furthermore, in an operator, the use of big data can favor the activities of managers, such as the use of technology to control costs, avoid glosses and improve results.

Do you want to know how to use Big Data in your health plan operator? Stay tuned for the newest article from SAUDI – the first and most award-winning system for medical bill audit from Brazil.


What are the main challenges faced in implementing Big Data?

There are many challenges in applying big data to healthcare, especially in hospitals or health insurance providers.

The first fact is that the use of this technology is still new to a large part of the Brazilian health sector.

Furthermore, as data is generally distributed across different systems, it ends up not being centralized and organized in a way that makes it possible to implement big data.

Therefore, collecting and processing data has become more difficult, but when we talk about the operation of a medical bill audit system exclusively for health plan operators, it is still the most effective way.

However, even in the face of challenges, the use of big data can be an ally in population control, economic and financial strategies, disease prevention, accident control and especially in the protection and preservation of life.

Let's take a look at how applying this technology can save lives and increase your health plan provider's results!

Big Data can save lives!

Despite the challenges, it is known that the application of big data in hospitals can save many lives.

Therefore, it is considered essential that these institutions begin their health innovation process and apply such technologies.


Let's see what are the main applications of big data in healthcare:

Electronic Health Records (EHRs)

As the name suggests, these are the medical records of all patients. The application can be implemented through an integrated system that allows patients to register, from demographic information to allergies and test results.

In fact, this is by far the broadest application of big data.

Through a large amount of data, a lot of information can be extracted, the task is to transform everything into knowledge to improve the lives of patients, the professionals who serve them and the management of healthcare providers.

The use of knowledge generated from electronic medical records can help improve various treatments, making it possible to create specific clinical protocols for comorbidities or related diseases.

Understanding the patient's tastes, peculiarities and routines can also increase the patient's participation in treatment.

The link between big data and electronic record also supports:

  • Increase knowledge
  • Improve the definition of public policies;
  • Choose the best epidemiological model to perform a profile analysis;
  • Create agreement and clinical decision support;
  • Promote a culture of continuous learning;
  • It allows you to create a system of prevention and participation.


Predictive analytics

Health faces an enormous challenge, considering that people's consumption and lifestyle habits are changing over time and the aging of the population has become a reality, it is particularly important to monitor the life course of patients and their families.

Predictive analytics is based on collecting information along the way and recommending route changes to prevent health deterioration.

One example is the discovery of weight gain in a short period of time. If treated in time, it can prevent people from suffering from obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, etc.

Another point is to continually evaluate the effectiveness of treatments covered by health plans, medical staff, surgeries and general conditions.


Help with clinical studies 

The vast amount of information plays a fundamental role in clinical research and is the basis of medical development.

Drug and vaccine development has conducted rigorous research into their effectiveness and possible side effects;

Only after many tests and information checking can it be approved for use. This is another case that benefits from big data.

Another possible application of big data is its contribution to cancer treatment. With the large amount of data collected, medical researchers can develop more reliable treatment plans.

This is because they found a treatment with a higher success rate based on the incidence of other cases and the patient's condition.


Real-time alert

Still focusing on health, real-time alerts will allow healthcare providers to monitor their lives more regularly and efficiently.

This is because, using patient information acquired in the medical audit system, managers will be able to access the patient's physical changes in real time and make decisions that reduce costs, such as promoting prevention campaigns in time to preserve health and avoid greater costs with maintenance and cure of diseases.

Therefore, the software provides relevant data to managers immediately. With this, the operator can act to reduce the flow of people with serious illnesses and create actions that promote quality of life for patients.

In practice, alarms such as reduced sales, reduced beneficiaries and profits, extremely important equipment failures, monitoring of the volume of disallowances and/or costs with service providers, can be triggered based on the common needs of patients.

Now you know why using big data in healthcare is important and your first step should be to implement a system for care cost management at your healthcare provider!

In this article, you learned that Big Data can save lives within healthcare institutions, so try to implement it in your healthcare plan operator and feel the direct impact on the significant improvement of your results.

Enter in contact with SAUDI and discover our personalized solutions for your healthcare provider to structure itself and GROW for real!




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