Big Data in Health: why use it in a system for managing healthcare costs?
Big Data organizes and processes a huge amount of data and stores it within your system. Want to know how it can save lives and optimize internal processes
Big Data organizes and processes a huge amount of data and stores it within your system. Want to know how it can save lives and optimize internal processes
Follow another complete article written by SAUDI and find out below the ANS deadlines, their importance and how to effectively comply with them. Everybody likes
The TUSS code or table is part of the health concept representation component of the TISS standard and establishes a single term for supplementary health procedures and care.
As much as health plan management systems are adapted to deal with unpredictable environments, the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic required a departure from conventional practices
In the relationship between service providers and health plan operators, there is a common situation of facing common problems regarding the type of disallowance. To the
Closing the monthly cash flow of any company is not a simple task. Even more so when we are dealing with healthcare providers. Managing your medical bills intelligently
See how to facilitate this process and other procedures, such as Extension, SP/SADT, Exams and consultations! The procedure for authorizing hospitalization in healthcare providers can be bureaucratic
See how to organize all the information to make your medical bill management easier Managing a large volume of documents is not an easy task. When it comes to medical bills
A cada ano é possível acompanhar mudanças significativas no setor da saúde. Dessa forma, as empresas líderes em softwares e soluções já estão se redefinindo com a transformação digital, aplicada
O Brasil tem passado por uma das maiores crises econômicas de sua história, impulsionada pela crise sanitária da pandemia do novo Coronavírus. E as operadoras de saúde têm um papel