ANS suspends the sale of 70 health plans

ANS suspends the sale of 70 health plans

In September 2022, ANS temporarily suspended the sale of 70 health plans, which will only be able to be offered again to new customers if the operators show improved results

The ANS (National Supplementary Health Agency) reported that, as of September 30, 2022, 70 health plans are prevented from selling their services to new customers due to health coverage complaints.

The punishment announced by the Agency was based on the analysis of the results of the Service Guarantee Monitoring, prepared with data referring to the second quarter of 2022.

The suspension of the sale of health plans is temporary and may be reversed if operators show improvements in the results obtained by the Monitoring program in the next quarter.

The report contains 37,936 complaints, which were made between April 1, 2022 and June 30, 2022. 

The complaints, which were considered and analyzed by the ANS to suspend health plans, mainly refer to non-compliance with the maximum deadlines for carrying out consultations, exams and surgeries, as well as the negative response regarding assistance coverage.


Which health plans are prevented from selling their services?

In total, ANS suspended the sale of 70 types of medical insurance, offered by 13 different operators. By type of contract, 45 collective corporate plans were suspended, 16 collective by membership and 9 individual or family plans.

According to the Agency, the health plans affected by the decision total 1,663,872 beneficiaries, who remain covered and protected by the announced measure.

The complete list of health plans that have had their commercialization suspended is available at ANS website and can be done free of charge.

Agency lifts the suspension of marketing of another 40 health plans

In addition to suspending the sale of 70 health plans that did not obtain satisfactory results in the Service Guarantee Monitoring, ANS announced the resumption of sales of 40 health plans, marketed by seven different operators.

The release of sales of this service occurred due to the improvement in the data presented by the companies in the document in relation to the results of the previous quarter.

The consultation of full list of health plans that have had their commercialization resumed is also available on the ANS website and can be carried out free of charge.


How can Saudi protect its operator from this problem?

The suspension of the sale of health plans undoubtedly affects the business and growth of operators. Therefore, the main recommendation is that companies try to shield their services as much as possible.

As Saudi, the Medical Bill Audit System, for example, you can maintain the financial health of your operator and, therefore, protect it against the measures taken by the ANS.

The software, among other functions, automates the process of auditing accounts for medical service providers, which includes everything from consultations to exams, which allows a clear view of complete data for everyone involved – operators and providers.

With the aim of making health plan operators healthier and more profitable businesses, Saudi helps companies achieve better management of their healthcare costs.Do you want to know more about the system and all the advantages that your company can enjoy? Contact with us and discover our solutions!

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