The Patient’s Journey in supplementary healthcare and their pain

The Patient’s Journey in supplementary healthcare and their pain

The patient's journey in supplementary healthcare is full of challenges. The search for medical care and access to quality healthcare is a fundamental issue for any individual.

In supplementary healthcare, the patient goes through a journey that involves everything from choosing a health plan to treating and monitoring their health condition.

However, throughout this journey, the patient may face various pains that directly impact their experience.

If you work in the supplementary healthcare sector, continue reading this article until the end, because we will explore the patient's journey in supplementary healthcare, identify their main pain points and tell you how you can minimize or even eliminate most of the problems.

Choosing a health plan:

The beginning of the patient's journey in supplementary healthcare is by choosing the healthcare plan suited to their needs. At this stage, one of the main pain points faced by the patient is the difficulty in understanding the different types of plans available, their coverage and values. The patient is often faced with complex terminologies and contractual clauses that can be confusing.

Scheduling appointments and exams:

After choosing the health plan, the patient needs to schedule appointments and exams to continue your care. At this point, the main pain points include the delay in scheduling appointments, the lack of specialist options and the need to carry out previous exams before getting an appointment.

Medical care:

At the time of medical care, some pain may arise during the patient's journey. The waiting time to be seen, the lack of effective communication between doctor and patient, the lack of clear information about the proposed treatment and even the lack of availability of professionals in some specialties are some of the frequently reported pain points.

Authorization of procedures:

Often, before undergoing procedures such as surgeries or more complex exams, patients need to go through a process of authorization by the health plan. Slowness in analyzing and responding to the request, as well as denying necessary procedures, can generate frustration and dissatisfaction.

Monitoring and continuity of treatment:

During treatment and follow-up health condition, the patient may face difficulties such as the lack of a reference doctor to monitor their case, the absence of a personalized care plan and the constant need to repeat information in each consultation or care unit they attend.


Invest in your patients’ journey and build loyalty in their lives

As we have seen, the patient's journey in supplementary healthcare is full of challenges and pains that can harm their experience in the healthcare system. It is important that health plans and health institutions work together to improve these pain points, seeking a technological solution that guarantees quick access to quality services, effective communication, personalized attention and agility in resolving demands. Improving these aspects will contribute to building a more satisfactory and positive journey for patients in supplementary healthcare.

If you still don't know of a solution capable of minimizing or even eliminating most of these pains, speak to one of our experts and get to know the SAUDI, an exclusive process automation and validation system for health plan operators.

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