Check out some numbers from the 5 largest health plan operators in Brazil

Check out some numbers from the 5 largest health plan operators in Brazil

Taking out medical insurance is the best way to guarantee private, quality care. Therefore, evaluation indicators are essential for health plan operators to obtain a respected reputation in the market.

By comparing the numbers of the main health plan operators in Brazil, it is possible to obtain a more precise analysis of the strategies of each company, in addition to facilitating the recognition of this market.

Therefore, in this article you will be able to check the updated numbers of the 5 largest health plan operators today, according to the scores given by the ANS (National Supplementary Health Agency).

The 5 largest health plan operators

The grade given by ANS takes into account the IDSS (Supplementary Health Performance Index). The IDSS consists of a calculation carried out based on various information from operators, classifying them on a scale of 0 to 1.

Among the points evaluated are: attention to the health of customers; ease of access between care networks; the company's sustainability; and compliance with the standards required by ANS.

The data presented below was taken from the ANS website on March 12, 2020. Check out the performance of each of them below:

Amil International Medical Assistance

Considered one of the largest health plan operators in Brazil, Amil offers an extensive accredited network, with options of doctors and hospitals throughout the Brazilian region.

ANS grade: 0.9027

Number of beneficiaries: 5,645,902

Bradesco Saúde

Selling medical plans only to companies, Bradesco Saúde is the 2nd largest in the country in terms of beneficiaries, in addition to having a huge reach across the Brazilian region.

ANS grade: 0.9614

Number of beneficiaries: 3,476,511

NotreDame Intermédica Health System

Located in the southeast region alone, NotreDame has around 5 thousand companies as clients. Its biggest highlight is its focus on preventive medicine.

ANS score: 0.8698

Number of beneficiaries: 3,371,866

South America

As one of the oldest operators in Brazil, SulAmérica arrived in the country in 1918 and, today, is present in all regions. In addition to plan coverage, beneficiaries have discounts on some medications.

ANS grade: 0.7437

Number of beneficiaries: 2,149,453

HapVida Medical Assistance

Created in 1979, HapVida has 20 of its own hospitals and is currently one of the largest health plan operators in Brazil, even though it only serves the North and Northeast.

ANS score: 0.591

Number of beneficiaries: 3,446,529

We hope that with this article you will be able to obtain an expanded view of the numbers of the healthcare providers that stand out the most in Brazil today.

Did you enjoy learning more about the largest healthcare providers in Brazil? So be sure to get in contact the Saudi team to learn about the best software for managing healthcare costs, used by Bradesco, Unimed and other large operators in the health plan sector!

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