Check out the advantages for your healthcare provider!

- Significant reduction of up to 30% in healthcare costs;
- Reduction of undue charges due to error, misuse or fraud;
- Optimization of Prior Authorizations with automated regulation rules;
- Reduction of OPME costs, with online requests and acquisitions;
- Reduces time and expenses with materials and medicines for hospitalizations, with on-site audit records, via tablet, online or offline;
- Improves technical analysis, allowing doctors and audit technicians to focus more on issues of therapeutic conduct;

- Reduction of structural costs and optimization of operational processes;
- 100% Paperless;
- Reduces the operational cost of processing and auditing medical and hospital bills and disallowance resources;
- Reduction of internal work due to external error (the provider is informed so that they can correct their errors);
- Reduction of rework costs (Post-payment Gloss Resource), through online gloss resource;
- Automatic recording of all audit steps;
- Compliance with deadlines in accordance with RN 363 articles.

- Enables payment provisioning to service providers with greater accuracy, streamlining and simplifying financial management;
- Reducing the aging of disallowance resources after the end of the period may lead to a reduction in the mandatory value of technical reserves, with a consequent reduction in financial costs.